R 850 GS
Motorrad Auspuffanlagen der BMW R 850 GS (1998-2001) werden aus hochwertigen Materialien wie V2A Edelstahl und auch Carbon gefertigt. Viel Wert wird gelegt auf kleinste Details um die bestmögliche Qualität "Made in Germany" zu liefern. Die Auspuffanlagen sind TÜV geprüft und zugelassen. Schnelle Montage passend zum Serienkrümmer, angenehmer satter Sound und Gewichtsreduzierung sind garantiert.
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Items 1 - 22 of 22

Barracuda GP-EVO Black Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Supershorty Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
279,95 € *

Barracuda GP-EVO F450 BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Series Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
279,95 € *

Barracuda HYPER MAXX Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
479,95 € *

Barracuda MAX RX Black Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
299,95 € *

Barracuda MAX RXSeries BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
279,95 € *

Barracuda mGP R450 Slipon EU homologation BMW R 850 GS
starting from
299,95 € *

Barracuda mGP RACEKIT R200 Ultrashort Slipon BMW R 850 GS
starting from
299,95 € *
Old price:
329,95 €

Barracuda mGP Slipon ECE-ABE Roadlegal BMW R 850 GS
starting from
329,95 € *

Barracuda RS-R 450 Cone oval BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Roadlegal/EEC
starting from
399,95 € *

Barracuda RS-R 450 Cone Round Slipon Roadlegal/EEC
starting from
279,95 € *

Barracuda RS-R 450 Cone Round Slipon Roadlegal/EEC
starting from
279,95 € *

Barracuda RS3 Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
259,95 € *

MGP-S1R Shorty Slash Slip-on BMW R 850 GS / R 850 R / R 1150 GS + R + Rockster
starting from
149,95 € *

Predator Black Series Slipon BMW R 850 R (Roadster) / R 1100 GS / R 1100 R (Roadster) / RS
starting from
349,95 € *

Raptor Black Force Slip-On System R 850 GS/ R 1100 R (Roadster)/ R 1100 GS/ R 850 R (Roadster)
starting from
399,95 € *

Raptor Factory GP2 Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
499,95 € *

Raptor Force Slip-On System R850 GS
starting from
299,95 € *
Old price:
399,95 €

Raptor Cyclone GP1 Series BMW R 850 GS 98-02 Slipon Road Legal/EEC/ABE homologated
starting from
399,95 € *

Raptor GTX Slipon exhaust BMW R 850 GS
starting from
379,95 € *

TRI Oval Barracuda Dual Tip Slipon homolgated/E-Mark
starting from
329,95 € *